Areas for improvementCommunication
Effective communication involves conveying information clearly.
listening actively.
adapting your message to different audiences.
Practice active listening
ask for feedback on your communication style
seek opportunities to ...
Personal Views / Basic Principles
[IMO] 编程是一件偏主观的事 is very subjective
比起数学公式它更像是论文 或者 有些人可以写成散文
Engineering rather than Science
如果让计算机自己学习,那我们的工作就更像是艺术家 Deep Learning is often considered more of an art than a science because it requires a lot of experimentation and trial-and-error to achiev...
NQueens问题著名的N皇后问题,N皇后问题是一个经典的问题,在一个N*N的棋盘上放置N个皇后,每行一个并使其不能互相攻击(同一行、同一列、同一斜线上的皇后都会自动攻击通过之前的文章中提到的DFS可以解决。其实没有啥好的办法,就是回溯(backtracking)。时间复杂的为: Big O of N!, N的阶乘,非常耗时,几乎是最差的了。看一下伪代码:
Start in the leftmost column –最左边的列开始
If all queens are placed – 退出条件,n个皇后都摆好了 return true
Try all rows in the curre...